Monday, March 31, 2008

Library Quilt Group and Art

Monday nights for March and April is my Library quilt group. It is a wide and delightful mix of women each doing their own quilt thing. Since the project needs to be portable and simple I'm using a bunch of machine-embroidered redwork squares to make a very straightforward bed-sized quilt. It isn't very arty I'm afraid but I'll do something artier (arty-er?) next or in tandom. I have applied to join the Artful Quilters web ring. I think it is where I belong. I'm not a traditional quilter, although I think the definition of traditional has moved closer to the artful. On the other hand I want to include fabric and fiber and techniques I've learned in what I do.

I think that joining something that is related to art quilting will point me more firmly in the direction I want to go.

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