Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Hand-Dyed and Painted

I think of these as an unfinished project because I would love to use them for something -- so that sort of sits in my mind. But I don't have an idea that feels right to me. I have at least a dozen pieces ranging in size from about a third of a yard to about a yard and a quarter. I had a wonderful time dyeing the fabric and I'd like to make more -- I don't think I can let myself until I use some of what I've already made!
These are two of my favorite pieces. Both 45 inch squares.
This is two separate pieces of fabric, both hand dyed and recently stamped and painted with acrylic paints. It was fun and interesting to add the images and paint.
Rounds of denim and commercial prints left over from a finished quilt. I started painting those along with the dyed fabric. I have an idea for these that was inspired by the Fiberforce quilts I saw at the Pennsylvania Quilt Extravaganza - maybe I can get to it soon.

So the denim bits are about time and the lengths of dyed fabric are about inspiration or the will to cut into the fabric! The will to use things up is a problems for me. A really good idea can get me over that hump though.

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