Thursday, April 09, 2009

Ann Horton: Daughter's Gift

This 52 x 48 inch quilt generates quite a bit of viewing on my Flickr account. Based around two blocks hand-stitched by the artist's young teen daughter the piece incorporates thread-painting, digitized embroidery, machine quilting and hand beading. It is the artist's original design.
I think this is one of the original blocks that the quilt was built around.
Thread-painted bunnies. I would guess that the they were stitched on a separate piece of cloth and applied to the patchwork. Close inspection leads me to believe that the strawberries to the left of the bunnies may be the digitized machine embroidery.
Detail of some of the applique. This quilter uses the patterns in the fabric to create shadows and highlight and dimension in her work. The flower petals are a wonderful example. They are composed of three fabrics. The base petal fabric, in two shades, looks like it might be cotton with a pearlized finish or some metallic woven into it. The top petal is a two-tone damask. All fabrics with some degree of reflection and texture intrinsic to them. Really skillful and lovely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I've drooled over the photo until I'm drool-less. ;) This is a wonderful explanation of a quilt obviously inspired by love.

(Onetexsun from